Top 5 tips to maintain optimal temperature for servers and PCs

Maintaining the ideal temperature for your servers and PCs is crucial for preventing overheating and potential hardware failures. This comprehensive guide delves into time-tested tips and techniques to achieve and sustain optimal temperatures for your computer hardware. How does high temperature affect computer hardware? Excessive heat can adversely affect the performance and longevity of servers […]

Server overhaul: What to ask yourself before replacing your infrastructure

Replacing servers requires careful planning and consideration. It is important to ask yourself the right questions, such as the current state of your servers, your business needs, and how much you’re willing to invest in new hardware. By addressing these questions, you can avoid potential pitfalls and set yourself up for a successful server upgrade. […]

BCP tactics to keep your business running

Whether your business is hit with a brief power outage or by a natural disaster, any kind of interruption to your organization’s productivity cuts into your profits. A business continuity plan (BCP) is critical to ensuring your organization stays open. Here are some of the key strategies many companies rely on. Backup your data, applications, […]

5 cloud security tips for business owners

Cloud computing marketing can be deceiving. When you see an image of the cloud, it’s often a happy, bubbly, white puffball floating delightfully in front of a blue sky background. Its presence is both calming and reassuring, which makes you believe that anything is possible. Security would never be an issue, right? Ask one of […]

Stay in operation with these BCP strategies

Power outages, disasters and other disruptions happen. And thousands of businesses around the globe are affected by them every year, with lost profits ranging into the millions, if not billions. So how can your business protect itself and stay open when the unexpected strikes? Here are five common business continuity strategies that many companies rely […]